Mitch Apley

Branding & Messaging, Storytelling, Digital Media Creative Producer

Background and Experience

Mitch Apley is a highly motivated and results-oriented individual with a proven track record of success in the film production and advertising industries. He has a strong foundation in storytelling technologies, video direction and production, and marketing solutions. A nerd at heart, he is known for tinkering with tech as it emerges from the zeitgeist.

Currently assembling an innovative creative agency in Chicago, Mitch has the deep connections of a storied advertising professional. His experience as an agency head of production has exposed him to a seemingly endless variety of challenges, contributing to what he hopes is a wiser demeanor. However, the jumping-at-shadows skittishness may undermine this belief. He has spoken at international conferences on healthcare and creativity logistics.

Prior to agency life, Mitch was a live action spot and commercial director and Executive Producer at Resolution Digital Studios. It was a full service video production studio with stages, lighting, and equipment for filming, and full-up audio, editorial, and finishing for post production. The filmmaker’s equivalent of a 12 cylinder supercar.

After graduating from Northwestern University’s film program, he started at another full service production house in Chicago, Post Effects. There, he learned the need for exactitude and precision in creative asset execution.

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